How To Build Your Remote Cashbox
You need to prepare these materials to proceed...

Software preparation must be followed properly. All software must be installed on a Windows OS.
- Download the flasher and use the exe file that correspond to your operating system.
- Get our bin file.
- Follow the steps below as seen to flash your NodeMCU.

After successfully flashing your NodeMCU you need to configure it as seen below.
- Download, install and open Arduino IDE.
- Select the COM Port of your NodeMCU.
- Open the Arduino serial monitor
- Make sure that the baudrate is set to 9600
- Enter the SSID of your access point. Note that characters must be exact to the letter. Entry is case sensitive.
- Press enter to save the SSID.
- Once saved. DO NOT Unplug your NodeMCU just press the tiny reset button on the NodeMCU board to reset. It is located on the side of the USB port labeled RST.