4.5.3February 24, 2024
- Fixed ngrok remote access
4.5.2July 15, 2023 Able to change machine IP address
4.5.1May 24, 2023
- Fixed internet timer bug - Zero time but gadget still has internet connection.
4.5.0April 03, 2023
- Better database crash recovery system.
- Added http injection protection (for licensed machines)
- Added lite portal (for licensed machines).
4.4.8September 23, 2021
- Added zero amount on ticket (free).
- Added an option zero pause count on tickets.
- Added option to block local IP addresses (for licensed machines only).
- Blocked all VPN ports.
- Fixed MAC blocking (prohibit phones from using the coinslot).
- Access to essential files page now for admin use only.
- Added zero pause on special rate.
- Added DITO prefixes and e-loads.
4.4.7May 24, 2021
- Fixed creation of prepaid tickets.
4.4.6April 24, 2021
- Fixed popup portal bug (no internet).
- Fixed playstore pending status.
- Fixed speedtest code.
- Minor adjustments
4.4.5April 17, 2021
- Popup portal will always popup now regardless of your account status.
- Fixed speedtest code.
4.4.4February 06, 2021 BETA RELEASE
- Major fix for programming mode bug
- Added inbox link on portal
- Subscribers page interface bug fix
- Added NAT fix for black mamba modems (experimental)
- And more adjustments and bug fix
4.4.3December 15, 2020 BETA RELEASE
- Added pisonet centralized coinslot
- Subscribers page reinitialized
- Added default coinslot selection
- Redesigned dashboard a little bit.
- Fixed dashboard speedtest
- Added inbox (direct message to admin)
- And more adjustments and bug fix
4.1.2July 15, 2020 BETA RELEASE
- Ability to enable or disable wallet recharge button.
- Removed coinslot cooldown.
- Improved sales entry routine.
- Added customers wallet replenishment history in device manager.
- Removed sales deletion for regular user. only admins can now delete sales entries.
- Removed license page for regular users on admin panel. only admins can see the license page.
- Able to change VLAN ID. you can now use routers configure for different systems in iWiFi.
- Added data package extension in device manager.
- Able to toggle vendo IP from dynamic to static and vice versa.
- Toggle chat system availability. you can now disable chat system on your portal to avoid abuse from customers.
- Ability to enable or disable portal banner.
- Ability to change portal banner.
- Added latest Sun Cellular prefixes.
- Added i minute coinslot cooldown to prevent accidental double entry on sales report
- Added url redirect.
- Added support for preset pin assignments for our OCB.
- Another improvement on portal speed.
4.0.8June 11, 2020 STILL A BETA RELEASE
- Fixed traffic accounting not able to show graph values
- Added data package billing.
- Fixed empty portal after logging out of admin panel
- Added channel selection for the builtin wifi AP
- Added option to disable mac spoof protection
- Added and updated STEAM eLoads under Loadcentral.
4.0.6June 05, 2020 BETA RELEASE
- Added traffic accounting on local admin panel dashboard
- Added individual traffic shaping speed up to 50mbps
- Added default traffic shaping speed up to 50mbps
- Modified the process when pressing the done paying button
- Improved portal loading speed
- Improved timer countdown code
- Added back checking of internet connection on portal. No internet hides insert coin button
- Added tethering support for repeater connections
4.0.4May 28, 2020
- Delete sales entry individually
- Clear credit function. can now clear credit in device manager due to erroneous grounding
- Hide or show bills vendo rate. can now show or hide 20 peso rate and up
- Adjusted vendo time accuracy
- Modified patch query function. no need to reboot when checking for new patch
- Added admin panel chat notification
- With bug fixes and portal enhancements
4.0.3May 23, 2020
- Fixed wrong time on reports
- Fixed failed eloads. Payment will be added to customer's wallet balance
- Ticket has pause count now
- Added speedtest on dashboard in local admin panel
- Added announcement in customer chat system
- Added background music when using the coinslot. You can also upload your own mp3
- With bug fixes and portal enhancements
4.0.2May 17, 2020
- Fixed Anti-tethering component
- Added pause count reset. When enabled pause count will reset everytime the coinslot is utilized
- Added pause counter in the portal
- Added ability to add wallet balance
- Modified admin logout procedure. Internet access will cut after logging out
4.0.1May 15, 2020
Bug fixes
- Fixed ngrok not able to create a status link
- Fixed error showing inside the admin panel
- Fixed some wrong spelling labels in the local admin panel
- Fixed login link not showing in the portal
- Fixed vendo light pin assignment
- Fixed vendo time out of sync
4.0.0May 11, 2020
iWiFi Portal Goes Freeware. This is a beta release |
3.2.0April 06, 2020
Beta Release - DO NOT upgrade if vendo is working properly or proceed with own risk.
- Remote cashbox reintroduced.
- Fixed traffic shaping for extended timers that keeps on resetting.
- Fixed traffic shaping values.
- Fixed user access rights
- Added back free internet time when buying eLoads.
- Added delete button for unused prepaid tickets. Batch delete.
- Added vendo alias and owner's usercode and license on local admin panel dashboard for easy troubleshooting of account.
- Added back synching features of LC balance when selling eload from the vendo.
- Added 0951 to network prefix.
- Improved anti mac spoof algorithm.
3.1.6March 28, 2020
- Added back unlocking solenoid lock for OCBs
- Improved traffic shaping for new accounts
- Improved charging station - disabled ports will not be shown on the portal
- Improved portal loading speed
- Improved automatic release of portal locking - accidentally releasing the lock even when user is still using the coinslot
- Improved backup and restore algorithm
- Fixed pause count selection
- Added unlimited pause count
- Corrected autodelete timers with zero time
- Added GPinoy99 to loadcentral eloads
3.1.4March 17, 2020
Emergency fix for 3.1.2 image.
- Fixed countdown timer not running
DO NOT use for versions lower than 3.1.2 |
3.1.1February 15, 2020
- Fixed pause button disappearing when adding internet time via coinslot.
- Added clear sales entries function allowing vendo owners to reset the sales entries after every collection.
- Disables intert coin button if vendo is not connected to the internet.
3.1.0January 22, 2020
- Introduced water dispenser and car wash features to iWiFi system.
- Applied fixes and added more improvements.
3.0.0January 15, 2020
- Stackable rates is now implemented with new portal interface.